Option to show real dates instead of relative dates like "tomorrow" | Consistent due date display
Raiden Frunk
The option to switch date displays to exact dates. So instead of "1 day ago" it will display the date you set.
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Dani Monahan
PLEASE UPDATE THIS !!!!! These are great for when you are an internal project manager but when you have to share this externally, it is hard to track because "today" doesnt show what date it was sent so it is hard to kepe track of the dates.
Vanessa Machado
YES please! These are fine for internal notes but when getting into a situation of sharing timelines with customers, for years long projects, this can be confusing and not consistent.
Jeff Mosdell
Most other software refers to this as the "pretty dates" option. Would love to make my ClickUp dates ugly again.
Brenno Vicario Nicolau
I'm not a developer but I know the very basics of programming. With 1.6 votes and 5 years having passed, it shouldn't be that hard to change this. We still cannot copy and paste because the date format does not allow it!
Emmaleigh LeBedz
The fact that Clickup still has not implemented this absolutely necessary change four years later is, frankly, an embarrassment to the company. Get yourself together, Clickup, and listen to your users.
Jose Batista Abikarram
Even with the workaround of using custom formulas to texts the custom field is very sensitive to time change. Having standard dates across the board would prevent any errors with time zones and dates.
Goodfriend Talbott
It would really help to have a consistent dating format. ClickUp helps to organize and yet this looks so disorganized.
Michelle Jurado
It serves no purpose to have a "relevant date" as opposed to the actual date. I wholeheartedly agree that actual dates would be preferable. I know this is pretty commonplace in a lot of modern UI design etc., but it really serves no purpose if efficiency and accuracy are to be valued. Software such as this is intended to be used by professionals and individuals alike who want accurate and seamless organization; the design and even small details such as this should be included in that.
Danielle Tebbetts
Agree with all these comments. I would love to be able to choose relative dates or exact dates by space.
Melody Liu
I'd really prefer having the actual date, it's extremely inconsistent seeing different wording and numbers. Please add this!!
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