Option to keep relationships when copying / duplicating tasks
Jake Spirek
The new Relationships feature is awesome. But when I copy / duplicate a task, I want to be able to have the option to retain the existing relationships so I can quickly duplicate and change the title for items that are similar.
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Jackson James
Not having linked documents copy with a recurring task is pretty silly, if you ask me. Tasks often have related SOPs. When these tasks repeat, they need to keep the linked SOP.
Felipe Barão Otero de Abreu
This is absolutely important! Otherwise it is not an exact copy at all.
Erhan Sezer
This is absolutely important! Otherwise it is not an exact copy at all. The same feature is also needed when saving/loading on templates also.
Michael Monerau
Similarly, I have an automation that creates a task given another: I'd like to copy a relationship field to the new created task.
This is really needed. Adding relationships is very time consuming as it is. Having them all lost is a nightmare.
Stanislaw Tristan
I have a tasks with many various relationships introduced. When I'm copying task - all of them are lost - and I'm forced to re-setup them for task copy again. This is very verbose. The same when task recurrence occurs - I need to check every recurrence instance and manually setup relationships again.
I'm asking ClickUp team to add this feature as soon as possible.
Lindsey Aiello
From support ticket: the ability to keep a task relationship with a recurring task.
Natalie Williams
Similarly, I have an automation set to apply a template when a custom field is updated. The template has a relationship, but it's not applied by the automation when applying the template, so I've got to manually add it every time.
Cherley Delgado
Natalie Williams: Same! Do you have any workaround in this?
Natalie Williams
Cherley Delgado: no I don't :/