Notification: Days before due date reminder
Caroline Montgomery
From support ticket: More options to set a notification to be reminded x days before a due date.
The maximum amount of time you can set it to is 3 days.
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Brendan W
Hey guys! We added more options here! If there's any more you'd like, let us know :)
Brendan W
Rob Leslie In your Notification Settings, you can now choose to be notified before or after a Due Date/Start Date up to 4 weeks out.
Samantha Luc
Brendan W Can we get a 6 and 8 week option as well?
Sela School
Brendan W
It would be great if this could be set at the list or individual task level
I don't need the account level
Gethin Herbert
Brendan W Do you know if this will be added at a automation level too? It'd be great to set certain custom fields, dates & priorities based on x days to due date.
Brendan W
Rob Leslie Thanks for the feedback! With Reminders against tasks, you can do this mainly as a workaround for now (and we'll have notifications for Reminders in Inbox soon).
Brendan W
Sela School Do you mean that for Task A you want to go and say "Remind me about this 5 days before the Due Date" but another task you want to pick "3 days before" ?
Sela School
Brendan W
Yes, there will be control over reminders, at the task or list level, and not at the account level
Because not every task I need a reminder in advance
Brendan W
Michael Yes, per the original ask this is just a very very small change to add more options to our existing "before/after Due Date" and "after Overdue" reminder notifications.
We're actively building out notifications for our actual Reminder feature, which we'll ship soon. When this is done, you can go to Remind me on a task and you'll be able to create a Reminder when you want to be notified. We hope to add the ability to quickly set it "x" days from the Due Date as well!
You can actually hit Remind me on a task today and manually pick your date/time, and you'll see the Reminder on your Home. If you want 2 Reminders (such as 3 and 5 days before Due Date), just create two Reminders for now!
Brendan W
Yes, we got improvements in store! Follow along with this Canny request for more:
Would be great to finally have this feature. Thank you
Ben Taylor
Could this later be developed to take into account the "time estimate" feature? e.g if you estimate a task will take 2 days and you want a 3 day reminder before the due date it will remind you 5 days before the due date
md shimul
অনুমতি দিয়া হলো
Bec McFarland
Looking forward to this one. Good to see it is in progress. Hopefully longer term options will also be available for certain workflows. Eg. 3 months. This would provide a workaround while we wait for other date based and time tracked automation triggers.
md shimul
Bec McFarland ধন্যবাদ
Brendan W
Hey there! The options here weren't intended to be more restrictive, just the original options that have been there for years :)
We're add a few more next week for ya'll!
md shimul
Brendan W ধন্যবাদ আপনাদের সহযোগিতা পেয়ে আমি উত্তেজিত
Brendan W
in progress
Frank Tedesco
It would provide immediate value to be able to set notifications 7 days before a due date. I imagine this is simple to implement, please expedite if possible.
md shimul
Frank Tedesco ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে আমার করতে হবে না বিশেষজ্ঞরা ছেট করবে
Ed Gramolt
This feature is taking way too long to implement. It's really simple in terms of what is needed but perhaps has complexities in the automation process or something. I would like to set a due date, and then be able to set an alert / email automation that notifies me or an upcoming due date. I'd have thought that this could subsequently be used to trigger further automations too. Thanks
Joe Lin
Manage tenancy schedules in a list. Would be very helpful to send reminder notifications prior to the due date, for example 6 months.
md shimul
Joe Lin ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে। দয়া করে সুমাই বাড়াবেন না কুমিয়ে দিবেন জতো ততো উপোকার হবে তার জন্য করনীয় কি বলেন তাই করবো ধন্যবাদ
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