Not Started/Active/Completed/Current Sprint filters
under review
Ryan Brereton
We use dashboards to show insights on our current/upcoming sprints. To date, we've been using a dropdown column with options for "This Sprint" or "Next Sprint".
With the new release of Sprint folders/lists, it would be great to filter by tasks that are present in a Not Started/Active/Completed/Any sprint list.
Our use-case:
We use the velocity and burndown charts in the dashboard view (we've found the "Sprint" source which is fantastic). For use in meetings, we like to have a task list below, just so everything is all in one place. Currently, I can't think of any way to filter the list to tasks that are in the current sprint.
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Lily Chan
Hey Everyone! We're exploring a new design for sprint options in Dashboards, and we'd love to get your feedback. We’re partnering with UserTesting to ask you what you think about our experience.
Whenever you have 5-10 minutes, you can participate here:
As you complete the session, it will record what you say and do. Your feedback will help us build great experiences. Thank you!
Lily Chan
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dashboard cards there is no current sprint option
Luiz Felipe de Oliveira Gomes
In the sprint monitoring dashboard cards there is no current sprint option. I would like it to be added to make the management panel easier to use.
Lily Chan
Hey Everyone! We're exploring a new design for sprint options in Dashboards, and we'd love to get your feedback. We’re partnering with UserTesting to ask you what you think about our experience.
Whenever you have 5-10 minutes, you can participate here:
As you complete the session, it will record what you say and do. Your feedback will help us build great experiences. Thank you!
Lily Chan
Merged in a post:
Current Sprint for location when using other types of dashboards cards
Natália Manoela da Costa Morales
I use pie charts to analyze some data of the sprint, like planned items, done items and added items during the sprint. Every sprint I have to change the location because there isn't an opition of current sprint for the pie charts. It would be very helpful if we had this opition, like we have at some sprint charts.
Lily Chan
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Dashboard Sprint Widgets
Maguelone Fritsch
It would be great to plug regular widgets (like pie charts, or lists) on "current sprint", to get the current sprint data.
Today I have to move each widget manually to the new beginning sprint.
Also, it would be practical to rule all the widgets we want (being able to select them) from one parameter on the dashboard itself, so if I want several widgets to be plugged on the same list(s), I can do it one time.
Thank you, have a nice day
Lily Chan
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Active Sprint Board
Ali İlhami Öztan
Currently on a Sprint Folder, we see all the Sprints' tasks but there is no option to show a board view filtered out for only Active Sprint's tasks. We have to go find the active sprint's list and create a Board view that are the same with other sprints everytime. It's frustrating. We should be able to see them on the Sprint Folder's view settings by filtering out only Active Sprint.
Lily Chan
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Sprint Dashboard Templates that automatically update the 'location' once a new sprint is activated and Sprint dashboard created
Josh York
As the Clickup guru, it would significantly reduce the overhead of my busy work if a folder's sprint dashboard was configurable using a template, or at least automatically copied the cards from the last sprint dashboard and update the location.
Lily Chan
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Active Sprint Filtering
Jared Wiltshire
We use dashboards to run sprint-level reporting in Click-Up.
Reports in a dashboard that look at only one specific sprint must be manually updated to the new sprint to get an up-to-date view.
I would like to see a setting/filter on reports to dynamically change to the current active sprint. Similar to 'Me Mode' but for active sprints.
Lily Chan
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Dynamic Sprint Dashboard Cards
Ryan Naziri
I'm not clear if I'm just missing this or it does not exist. If I'm missing it, please share.
While there are 6 sprint specific cards, it seems that for any other card, there's not a dynamic 'current sprint' option. In order to create a dashboard for the current sprint, you have to update the location for every single card, outside of the 6 sprint cards.
You can quickly generate a dashboard from a sprint list, but it only generates standard sprint cards. The above issue still exists. Also, this doesn't solve the preference for one dashboard to go to.
This would actually make sprint dashboards feasible. I could see it being useful if you could quickly toggle current sprint or some other one, like the previous one, so maybe dynamic default to current sprint with the option to toggle to another, without having to toggle every individual widget? Although this feels like it could be a broader feature request: easy, low level switch for quickly toggling location the dashboard is targeting.
Regardless, dynamic current sprint, at the very least, feels like it would unlock sprint dashboarding.
Lily Chan
Merged in a post:
Ability to choose "Current Sprint" for "Number of Completed Tasks" widget
Michelle Hardwick
On the widget for Number of Completed Tasks, it would be helpful if there was an option for Current Sprint like other dashboard widgets have.
Hemant Kumar
Thanks Maguelone Fritsch - this is great feedback. I heard this before and will update the backlog (if not already added). Look forward to more upvotes on this one
Maguelone Fritsch
Hemant Kumar: Thank you very much !
If I can be more precise : it would be great to rule not all of the widgets data in one time, but being able to select those we want to plug on the same data.
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