mindmap from existing tasks
Michele Gimona
Would be nice to be able to select existing tasks when creating a blank mindmap. Also some basic graphic customization would be handy like shape of bubbles, color, information displayed with mouse-over...
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Luis Fernando Dimer
It has been 4 years and ClickUp don't have implemented this most basic feature yet.
Vincent Jongman
This would be a great addition to mind maps. I currently use the workaround to (1) create a new node, (2) create a new task from the node and (3) merge the new task with an existing task. It works, but it is quite a lot of work
Right now you can create new tasks from nodes in a mindmap view but you cannot add new nodes from existing tasks types. Depending on what you are mindmapping there are occasions where you want to add existing ideas/tasks to the map without creating duplicates.
It would be really handy if there was perhaps a sidebar like you have in the timeline view from which you could drag existing task types onto the mindmap as a new node.
Yerain Abreu
The lack of this ability makes it seem like the mindmap function is straight up in compatible with ClickUp.
Yerain Abreu
This seems like such a basic function. I would GLADLY leave my other mind map platforms if i could just do this in CLickUp!
Have you guys all tried doing this with whiteboards???
Yerain Abreu
Schalk: Works, but it's clunky. Its a hard workaround.
I'm frustrated that I can't add existing tasks, mostly because I can actually change a node into a task, but can't add a task as a node. This forces me to always start in mind map view if I want to add a task that I might want to organize in mind map view later. I'll have to just have a pile of them there in mindmap. It's weird.
When I used the mindmap feature in "blank" view, and I create a task out of a node, I can open the task from there and I can move the task around (without moving the task out of the list and statuses I want it in). This is great. But only if I start here in mindmap. If i added the task previously, I can't organize it in mindmap.
But I cant add a task to this view unless I am creating it from scratch. So if I want tasks here in this view that I have already done, I am going to have to create them from scratch all over again in mindmap first.
The ability to search for and select a task or multiple tasks to include in a MM I am working on would be extremely helpful. I like to use a mindmap to plan my day, plan projects, etc., and while creating tasks is helpful, many times, the tasks have already been created, and the MindMap serves to help give structure and to visualize.
Mani H
YES. Ideally a mindmap starts with all of the tasks (or at least the option to include all of the tasks) from a given list or space.
For us, this would be a game changer for the mind map view to actually use it. Basically, 1. a great added value for the users and 2. a quick win for the clickup developers, right?
Thus, go for it 😊 Thanks in advance!
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