Manual Rearrangement of Gantt Charts

Zachary Martin
In asana for example i can rearrange the hight of certain tasks manually , i perceived that to be handy in team meetings when discussing the agenda for the upcoming months (Submitted via Intercom)
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Waleed Elaghil

Wes Brummette
Heather Wikene
Wes Brummette: YES! Thank you! This is a feature we would appreciate as well. Having the sub tasks always dependent on the parent task when your looking at the Gannt chart would be hugely helpful. Clickup already puts dependencies on those tasks in that you get a warning when you try to close a parent task without resolving the sub tasks, but those links aren't reflected on the GAnnt unless you manually put them there.

agree and also would be fantastic to be able to vertically order tasks so sub-tasks are under the main task (or any other arrangement that works for the job at hand)
having the sub-tasks drop-down from the parent would also be nice :)
Dave Quinlan
Huw: Agree, always easier to use a gant chart is the main task header is directly over the subtasks and automatically spans from 1st to last subtask