Make task modal more responsive
Alex Joyner
I really like have clickup opened in a window around 600px wide off to the side during my daily development. I like to have the current task I'm working so I can easily check off subtasks as I work. The current UI gets in the way because the task window is hardly usable at this screen size. Please make this screen more responsive.
Also, if possible, please give the option to dock the comment section. I NEVER use it as a solo developer. I would imagine this would make the responsiveness problem a bit easier to solve.
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Hey, everyone! Thank you for your patience! I'm happy to let you that we have resolved this issue! To complete this update, please refresh the page. Thanks for your help in getting this bug fixed, and as always, let me know if there's anything else I can help you with. Have a great day!
Alex Joyner
Great to see that this was immediately moved to in progress! I assume that means it was already planned for clickup v2. For anyone that is in the same position as me, one workaround I have found is to open the developer tools, deleted the comment section element, and set the task details container from 50% to 100%.
in progress