Keyboard shortcuts for time tracking
.Josh Sorenson (VP of Systems)
It would be awesome to be able to start and stop timers for the current task via keyboard short cuts.
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Michaël Zappalà
It would be great also to navigate in those lists with arrows ↑↓ and confirm with "enter" ↲.
I'm always trying to use my keyboard when I get those lists as a habit because it is really intuitive. But then I sadly need to take my mouse 😅
That's the kind of little things that would add a lot of fluidity for me 〰
Not saying it's easy to implement, sometimes what seams easy for the user is a huge work for devs.
Thanks for your consideration 💚
Eric Carson
If there is a keyboard shortcut, then I can use my Loupedeck to start/stop timers too.
Susanne Steinbach
This would be great! I‘m looking into alternatives for clickup atm just because time tracking is so difficult to do (somehow you’ve made it a super tiny button to click on.. why.. its so important!). So either a big big button to always hit easily with the cursor, or indeed a keyboard shortcut would be amazin!
Janessa Christine
Yup, I'd love a short cut for starting the time and stopping the time.
Caroline Ginty
Updating status as of March 2023
Eric Carson
Caroline Ginty: Under review to Open. Guess that review went poorly?
Pavel Zagorodnikh
Sounds not too hard but stumble every time when have to click stuff
Just make everything controllable from a keyboard without using the cursor. The cursor makes you slow.
Martin Widemann
please, give us a slash command:
/track 1h "work done"
Brendan Jones
Not only start and stop: Enable Tab for navigation through Description, Labels and Billable fields.
Example: Type your hours tracked > Tab > type your description > Tab > select time label(s) > Tab > toggle billable on/off > Enter (to submit). At any time in that process you could hit enter to submit, for example after typing the description because you don't use labels or billable hours. Could also allow the date picker to be selected by Tab.
Boštjan Hozjan
Brendan Jones: Being able to fill the whole time tracking entry with the help of the keyboard ahortcuts would help immensely. If I could also mark the task as Closed (or even select any other status) it would be a winner ;)
John Dwyer
Yes please !
.Josh Sorenson (VP of Systems)
Zeb Can we get an update on this? Seems like a silly thing not to update in almost 2 years.
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