Introduce new billing option to increase storage only
Kieran Thomas
Currently the only way to increase storage from the free 100mb is to pay for each member. Therefore, that can result in a significant price increase from £0 to over £650 (in our case) as it's based on the number of users rather than the amount of space you require.
Whilst there is an existing feature request to increase the free storage amount (see: we acknowledge there is a hosting costs associated with extra storage, and as such, we're happy to pay for this; especially as we don't need all of the extra features which comes from upgrading from the free package.
Therefore, we would like to propose a new pricing tier which allows users to upgrade (and pay for) additional storage only if on the free package.
For example allow users to purchase (for example) 500mb or 1GB of extra storage.
This would benefit users and clickup alike:
* Users on the free plan could continue to use it if they dont need all of the extra features of the next plan up
* For clickup, it introduces a new revenue stream, and reduces the risk of people switching away to other tools with higher free storage limits
Thanks for your consideration.
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Nathan Sudds
Here to suggest exactly this feature, I would pay for an increase in monthly storage without the need for any other features and it could be a great in-between for Clickup to make money for small teams before they are ready to upgrade and need more features.