Informational blocks (description text, hyperlink, image, video) in Forms
in progress
It would be awesome to have the option to add (embeded) videos and images in forms. Text descriptions are necessary for proper communication. Inserting videos and images would enhance the experience.
Video Example:
A teacher giving instructions for the next batch of questions.
This would feel more interactive and make forms much more interesting.
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Michael Van Doorn
Hey, everyone!
Wanted to give an update on where we are at with Elegant Forms (our latest updates)
We are currently running a beta with ~150 workspaces and are at the stage where we are reviewing feedback + making some refinements. We expect that this functionality will be general available in the coming weeks.
Michael Van Doorn
Hey, everyone!
Wanted to give an update on where we are at with Elegant Forms (our latest updates)
We are currently running a beta with ~150 workspaces and are at the stage where we are reviewing feedback + making some refinements. We expect that this functionality will be general available in the coming weeks.
Michael Van Doorn Sounds great! Anyway one can get on that beta?
Anders Jessen
THIS! Michael Van Doorn - any updates on this?
Michael Van Doorn
Hey, Anders Jessen: We have an beta ongoing and are currently reviewing some feedback. We expect general availability to start in the coming weeks.
Anders Jessen
Michael Van Doorn Perfect - thank you for the update
Aron Liedtke
Many people have asked for a "scheduled" release date, which Michael has said that the team is not ready to share yet. However, would it be possible you could share a rough estimate? Are we talking weeks, months, or maybe even a year?
This might help some of us determine if we should go ahead and purchase some other third-party software (an ATS in our case) or wait.
Jochen Fuchs
Is there a scheduled release date for this yet?
Gurminder Dhami
Can this also be done in this release of Forms?
Adam Edgell-Bush
Is there a scheduled release date for this yet?
We desperately need testing or grading question ability. This completely removes our need to have third party software to test our employees knowledge and can truly start using docs and wiki
Janessa Christine
Posting to follow this feature, this would be awesome for us.
Karel VGH
Michael Van Doorn Looks great, awesome work! PS: Knap werk man ;-)
Adam Lundquist
I think this looks great Michael Van Doorn - one thing about the long text blocks that you are using for information blocks is they seem to stop working when there is a good amount of text in them. I filed a bug with this, but I imagine you will run into the same issue on forms that I am running into in table. You can direct dm me and I can show you a screenshare, but I think you will want to fix that prior to launch
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