Siq Productions
Is this post open or close? Is it about the Monthly Calendar View on mobile? The widget works but it only shows daily view
Luzius Fischer
Luci N.
Luci N.
We are closing this feature request as we work to make better use of our feedback boards! Removing old and stale posts will increase the communication between the ClickUp team and our users, as well as allow us to hear more of your great ideas!
If you feel like this request is worth us revisiting, feel free to create a new post for this request!
Luci N.
Hey,! Thank you for the flag! This one was accidentally marked as closed. Opening it back up again!
Administración Alurom - Sonia
View the calendar in the app now please. thanks
Timothy J. Krupnik
yes but the calendar better work with microsoft 365, otherwise it is not so useful. Make this integration work please. Workarounds are not ideal
Hey everyone!
I'm moving this one back to open as we want to be transparent about what's truly being worked on and/or will be worked on in the near term.
I appreciate all the feedback and will keep it in mind as we continue to build Home.
Thank you!
Kaspar Janssen
That option would be very helpfull. Right now I make a calendar view in my space.
Question for the voters! Would having a monthly calendar view in HOME be helpful to you? If yes, Why?
Ralph Stokes
Zach: Absolutley!! Anywhere that makes it possible to view a calendar (which itself needs view improvements) and a list at the same time so you can schedule by dragging tasks to the calendar would save me hours! Dragging something to the correct time and date beats clicking through all the menus and using the terrible predictive text thing you have on when you try to set dates and times (especially times). The calendar itself needs to be zoom-able vertically in day/week view so you can see all the info in a task properly, and it also need the ability to be able to see across weeks and months - i.e. see from the middle of one month/week to the middle of the next. With a few improvements to the calendar, clickup has the potential to be an incredible scheduling app but currently calendar implementation is weak, yet for me it's one of the most important views if not THE most important view on the platform.
Ralph Stokes
Same goes for the pop-up calendar you can have assigned to the tray... Only being able to see a single day is as good as useless.
Natalie Sandford
Zach: Yes. Accounting services are just about all based on monthly tasks.
Trenton Scroggins
Zach: YES!!!!!!! We rely nearly completely on calendar view. It would mean less traveling to get where we need to go, and we would have the benefit of the other widgets in home. All we would need is for it to function like the Calendar View calendar, meaning that you can expand each day to see all tasks on that day (and have all of the filters, etc.). Thank you all for your hard work on this amazing platform!
Mahalia Rose LeClerc
Zach: Yes! Or even just a week view would be great. I would like to see everything on my schedule for the week even things that are starting later in the week. The "up next" section gets over loaded with a lot of tasks since we schedule far into the future.
HAM Sandra Smith
Zach: definitely! I currently use Outlook calendar more than clickup but I have to go to my computer to do that. The calendar view in Click up is too many steps to get to and so I don't use it much.. but would be awesome if it was easy to get o and see
Adelmo Galindo
Zach: Yes
Zach: totally!
Andreas Pütz
Zach: Same here, we want to have it for a better overview instead of using only Outlook for calendar/events.
Brian Shen
Merged in a post:
Calendar View
Brecken Dale
Need to be able to see my calendar for the whole month, not just for the one day.
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