Import Directly to Folders or Lists
Bradley Lennox
It seems when importing from a CSV file that it creates a new list every time. It would be great if you can import a CSV. task file directly into a pre-created List or Folder.
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I have minimum 50 tasks for every list cannot manually enter every time. This import feature is basic.
Kofi Miller
Any updates?? Massively need this in order to switch my large organisation to clikup
Georges-Emmanuel TOPE
Definitely need this.
Rob Fitzgerald
Is there any progress on a release date here? AI is cool and all but manually mapping dozens of custom fields every time I want to import a spreadsheet is a huge waste of time that this could eliminate.
Pat James
Excited to see this feature is planned. Is there an outlook on when it will be delivered?
Aika Seirlis
Hey Team, any idea if this will be progressed any time soon? thanks :)
Raghav Kajaria
This will be very helpful for the entire team. Please release this ASAP.
Zach - ClickUp the questions @Kevin Struck post is a serious problem for milion of people using connection from excel , update some data , every week and/or days. don't think overwrite every time is a good idea ...2024...clickup...the man on the moon... )) sorry but the question is really serious for those who use clickup and excel. tx++
Zach - ClickUp
Melanie von Schorlemer
Zach - ClickUp What you show at the end looks good. Have the Import button in a list and import CSV data. How would this work with custom fields? How will we make sure that the data is entered in the right column?
Kevin Struck
Zach - ClickUp This looks like what I would like to see.
We receive an Excel file three times a week from an external vendor. This file is then imported into Clickup and a new list is generated each time, creating multiple lists. We are seeking a solution that allows us to import the Excel file into an existing list. This would hopefully enable us to update the existing data with any changes from the latest file and add any new entries. The structure of the Excel file, specifically the columns, will remain consistent; only the data within the rows will be updated. Could you confirm if this functionality will be available upon release? Implementing this feature would significantly streamline our processes, saving considerable time for our team each week.
Jonathan Kiekbusch
Zach - ClickUp As others have said, this looks bang on.
The main thing that is important to us as well, is that the custom fields of an existing list become available for mapping when importing to that list.
Michelle Fadelli
Zach - ClickUp thank you. Option 2 is what we are primarily looking for. When you are in a list you can import directly into that list. Whether it is a button or an option on the customize menu (under Export, for example) we don't have a preference.
Malinda Jepsen
Zach - ClickUp: I like where you're going. I want to be sure that it doesn't create a list within the list. If I import into an existing list, I just want the tasks to be in that list, not a list within the list. I'm pretty sure that's what you're saying, so I LOVE it! Thanks!
Richard McBride
Zach - ClickUp yes but PLEASE add the Clickup ID as the unique key so we can OVERWRITE or update instead of only being able to import "NEW" information. Definitely choosing the location first should then prompt the question "are this locations custom fields part of this operation/import" meaning, those custom field options are now part of this import process, anything matching those should be considered identical (like the CU ID# being the unique DB key)...anyways I ramble...ciao !
Richard McBride
Sorry, but why can't we upload other hierarchical structure such as folders and lists and interdependence between items..? I forgot that was an issue until someones comment reminded me of it. Lists are great but it's the interdependent relationships that make ClickUp great. not lists :)
Csaba Szabó
Zach - ClickUp
It looks nice. It will be the first step. The second step should be to overwirite the exiting task. E.g. I have a list which includes the details of my customer from excel with four different custom field. Later I would like to add the web page adress to new custom field of my all exiting customer. How can do now? Create a new list with a neu values. If I want to add a new custom field with value from excel is not possible now (just manualy). So now i can't over write or add new value to my tasks with imported excel just with API
Vincent D'Amico
Zach - ClickUp I would like the capability to be able to upload a new column / custom field to an existing task. So if I upload a list of Tasks with an existing ID. The upload would recognize its an existing Task and just append the new data to the new or pre existing column / custom field.
So essentially its giving me a way to bulk update via uploading using the tool to existing Tasks. If using Clickup to track Vendors and Fundraising Teams. This extends the capability to be priceless for us. So it would be super useful.
Thanks again for working hard on this cant wait to hear when its in progress very exciting.
Michelle Fadelli
Our staff are new to ClickUp and have been requesting this, as it will fast-track the creation and management of project lists.
Would be great if it were on the development radar.
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