Confluence Importer is live for everyone here! Go check it out!
Richard Duffy
Zach: Trying now! Optimistic!
Richard Duffy
Zach: Woohoo! Worked like a charm. All the images and attached files got carried over, links within content are working and layouts are good. Thanks for all the hard work. I will be closing down my Confluence account now.
Richard Duffy: WOOHOO! Love to hear it.
Dan Pope
Any news on this so that we can remove the cost of Confluence?
Richard Duffy
Zach are we any closer to having a solution?
Steven Chen
any update on the timeline?
Mikhail Shpadirev
any update on this?
Richard Duffy
Any update.
Cy Caine
Any update on this? Getting to the point where we need to know if we should budget for another year of Confluence in 2024
Richard Duffy
Cy Caine: I have the same challenge heading into budget planning for 2024. This is all need to move to ClickUp from Atlassian suite.
We're getting closer folks! At the moment we're testing the full flow (importing from start to finish) to make sure everything runs smoothly when we get it into your hands.
Out of curiosity, who here is waiting for this to release before you make the full jump away from Atlassian and onto ClickUp?
Jean-Baptiste Broguière
Zach: We are waiting for this release to pull colleagues using Atlassian into our ClickUp space.
Gian Luca D'Intino-Conte
Zach: Waiting on this to consolidate all our Doc into ClickUp. Currently still licensing Confluence to all users because the manual migration lift would be
too time-intensive.Kasey Kaplan
Jean-Baptiste Broguière: Same
Eric Plante
Zach: Same
Mark Neumann
Zach: yes, though I probably don’t want to be first.
Richard Duffy
Zach: I have been waiting to make the final move. I have moved all of my issues to tasks in ClickUp but I need my documents. As soon as I can move my docs I will be 100% on clickup.
Richard Duffy
Gian Luca D'Intino-Conte: I agree. The effort to manually recreate all of our docs or export pages to PDF's and add them to ClickUp is not viable.
Max Pagel
Zach: definitely waiting for it
Benjamin Wettlaufer
Zach: We made the jump already, but this topic remains a pain in the ass. So, can't wait as we still have some legacy to go ...
Cy Caine
Jean-Baptiste Broguière: same
Sharon Kirby
Zach: Waiting on this to move out of Atlassian
Katie Stagnaro
Zach: we are!
Eric Plante
Zach: Also should mention that we'd be happy to test!
We have about 25 spaces and I'm guessing under 1000 pages. Not a whole lot of apps in there but there is some . And JIRA links I'm sure.
Peter Agocs
Zach: We are a small team but Confluence space migration is mandatory for us.
Naveesh Doolhur
Zach: Waiting
Antoine Weill--Duflos
Any update on the ETA ?
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