Hourly Billable Rates and Cost Rates
Adam Roe
What is the point of tracking time if you can't see its relationship to cost? Clients do pay you with hours and at to ask we create hundreds of automatons for something as simple as a rate variable. Please stop wasting time on apple watch integration, Siri, Alexia and more outer edge integrations when something as fundamental as hourly rates are missing.
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Scotty Tarvan
This is by far the most imporant feature missing in clickup - I was tempted to look for another system as this feature was missing. Please this must be added asap as its key to manage a business.
Zelda Kloppers
Please add this feature. Key part of planning
Micayla Johnston
Can this be looked at for invoicing / costing as a whole; I have hourly rates that differ per client, then other clients are on a retainer, all that I need to track my teams time cost against. And within my team, people rates are different. Then for invoicing, I need to indicate what time logs have been invoiced for vs not invoiced - this is not always just the time logged for the month and tasks are not always completed within a month period, sometimes a piece of work is billed at the end of a 2/3 month period. - Its mind boggling how these features are not a core part of the system.
Dominik Kucharski
Micayla Johnston on top of that I also have various currencies per client 🤯
Jennifer Lewis
Micayla Johnston Agreed. We're in the same boat, desperately needing these features to maximize the application's benefits.
Christina Jachec
yes, this would be a great feature
Lars Pelgrim
This is a must. I would like to see what I should invoice to my customer per month. I cannot get there with custom fields, because dashboards don't allow you to filter custom fields on a time period.
Herson Bugante
Graziela Santos
Implementar um relatório de horas cobradas, considerando que cada advogado possui uma hora predeterminada e cada contrato tem uma hora combinada específica.
Facilitar o acompanhamento e a gestão das horas trabalhadas e cobradas pelos advogados, garantindo precisão na cobrança e transparência para os clientes.
Funcionalidades Requeridas:
Cadastro de Advogados:
Adicionar um campo para registrar a taxa horária de cada advogado.
Cadastro de Contratos:
Adicionar um campo para registrar a quantidade de horas combinadas para cada contrato específico.
Registro de Horas Trabalhadas:
Permitir que cada advogado registre suas horas trabalhadas diariamente.
Relatórios Personalizados:
Gerar relatórios detalhados que mostrem:
Total de horas trabalhadas por advogado.
Total de horas trabalhadas por contrato.
Diferença entre horas trabalhadas e horas combinadas em cada contrato.
Valor total a ser cobrado com base nas horas registradas e nas taxas horárias dos advogados.
Filtros e Exportação:
Possibilidade de filtrar os relatórios por período, advogado e contrato.
Opção de exportar os relatórios em formatos como PDF e Excel.
Benefícios Esperados:
Maior controle e precisão na cobrança de horas trabalhadas.
Transparência para os clientes em relação às horas cobradas.
Facilidade para os advogados registrarem e acompanharem suas horas de trabalho.
Relatórios detalhados para auxiliar na gestão administrativa e financeira do escritório.
Jorge Yepes
Tottally agree with Adam. Something filtered by customer, user, hours, task... like clockify
Nick Wilkinson
Just as an extra piece of value with this feature request, as well as recording hourly rates and costs, being able to easily report on these within ClickUp and without 3rd party integrations/db's, is equally vital. Consideration of dashboard cards, views, advanced formulae and API would be highly appreciated when undergoing this development. Thank you in advance.
Michael Hayter
Adding my 2 cents that this would be a great added feature for us
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