Home V3: To-do (No List) Section, Custom Views, and more
in progress
- Add a new section to brain dump tasks and reminders that haven't yet been categorized
- Create custom sections and views for your Home area
- Add/remove custom widgets (similar to Dashboards)
- Customize how your tasks and reminders appear (choose to show additional columns like time tracking)
- And more...
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Michael Van Doorn
Personal List is now rolled out to 100% of Workspaces!
Tim Jasper
'add a new section to brain dump tasks'. - Do you mean an Inbox Zeb ?
Tim Jasper: Hey, Tim! You can access your Personal List in Home. To learn more about Personal List check out this help center article!
Nathan George
I would like the ability to display documents in Home, allowing for further customization of critical content. This could be a better way to implement the "new section to brain dump tasks", that allows for other user customization.
Michael Brett
Same here. I would like to be able to fully control the home screen to show my whatever lists / views / lenses into my data. The home screen is becoming my GSD single source of truth and I would like to be able to tune / tweak it to include other lists besides line up and personal list.
Potentially even put dashboard elements (counts, blocked lists, etc) so I can turn the homepage into the "bridge of my ship".
Is there a list of improvements that can be shared with this group so we know what is coming next and when?
Brent Sweitzer
I'm a solo entrepreneur, LOVE Clickup, and I'm trying to better utilize Home to promote focus and efficiency. Right now it's either LineUp or the new Personal List (because those are the only options available as Cards) to quickly add both work and personal tasks to a unified 'list'.
I've been using hand-typed task notes in a Doc to do this up until now, but I'm often writing tasks in 2 places, checking if off in 2 places, and not getting to see my week-to-week progress by having everything in a task.
Would love:
* Personal List (if that's the future) to have more views available (Board at least)
* On Personal List, to be able to easily drag tasks on top of tasks to make them subtasks
* To be able to choose on desktop Home (like on current iOS app) to specifify a list as the default
* To have more options for displaying List views on Home
This video tries to capture and summarize all this:
Andrea Richards
I would love if in my Home I could have my assigned tasks and my personal list as a single list. Its very annoying to have to have two different widgets open for all my tasks. Sometimes I have assigned tasks and sometimes I have tasks I made myself that don't live in a specific space but I want to see all it together based on due date. Right now I miss a lot of my assigned tasks because I focus on my personal list. I shouldn't have to manually add every assigned task I have to my personal list. I have also given up using lineup because its so time consuming when I already have due dates on my tasks and work according to those.
Michiel Saey
My Home screen wish list:
* Less restrains on the size. One widget takes up half the screen.
* More customizability. Add Filters for certain tasks, change title of widget,
* Images, text, docs
* Micro front-ends? There are several features I would like to see added to my ClickUp home screen. Most are already feature request, but while I wait, I would appreciate it if I could create them myself using the API, and imbed them into the home screen as a widget (Pomodoro timer would be nice, and that feature request has been open since 2018), and having them as widgets would that could be set on workspace level could vastly increase any screen capabilities. aAndnd allow the development of ClickUp to be supported by the existing developer community that uses it. But this will need its feature request.
There is already an open question that involves turning the home screen into a dashboard, and that might be the way to go. Keep the home screen widgets we have now, they are great. But it would give us more freedom to do what we want. Most of that the dashboard already has?
I also suggest that the other standing feature request are merged in here (implementing the home screen as a dash would solve all of these I think, or at least give us the tools to fix them ourselves):
I am pretty sure I could keep going, but I think it proves the point that the home screen needs more customizability.
Sorry for rant, love your work, keep it up. ❤️
Ps: canny.io doesn't have markdown comments? :(
Uncle King
I still think "HOME" is missing the point. "Home" like my house is my sanctuary. My place where I can regroup and relax and make sense of things.
This should be the most customizable area of Clickup. It should have the flexibility of a DOC and the power of a dashboard all in one.
If I wanted to dress it up with pictures that link to different parts of Clickup or other apps or simply make it blank with a picture of my family reminding me why I'm doing it all in the first place, it should be up to me.
Clickup then can offer templates then instead of trying to find the perfect "HOME" version.
I like having the option of a separate "MY WORK" page.
But let "HOME" be my mine.
Anthony Raad
We're exploring improvements to Home, and we'd love your feedback on early designs. Please take this 2-minute survey to share your thoughts!
Микита Морозов
Anthony Raad any news when the view attached to a survey gonna be released? It makes a total sense, especially compared to a current one (it's literally terrible when you have tens of tasks.
Michal Marko
Please add the Kanban view to the Home. The possibility to change the names of columns (Today, Tomorrow, etc.) it's also required.
Tim Jasper
Michal Marko no brainer
Teofrenz Ycot
Please show closed tasks in the Home Calendar or add the Show Closed Toggle Button like in the Calendar views in the Workspace
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