I saw the ClickUp’s own GTD article but it just didn’t speak to me. Anyone else have a GTD setup they would like to share? How do you use projects, lists, spaces, tags!
Mine is below, but it’s still a WIP:
One space. Hate switching around too much.
Projects for me are main focuses: personal, work, and education (working on some courses on the side). Last project is my Someday / Maybe Lists
Under each are three lists:
  • Scheduled
  • Next Actions
  • Projects
Scheduled is any standalone Next Action with a due date, also I put tickler items in there. All my real “calendar” stuff is still on Google Calendar, for sharing purposes.
Next Actions is currently just a giant dump with some tags for context like “errands” “chores” “computer” “this or that work responsibility / duty”. I don’t use priority at the moment because if it was a priority I will schedule it. That’s really my only persona priority system that seems to stick with me.
If I start anything and don’t finish it right away, it gets the In Progress status. “Waiting On” is also it’s own status, not its own list. Those are the only two custom statuses I use.
Projects is for tasks that require better separation so I can keep an eye on them better, and for projects that I know will be worked on over a period of time with lots of steps. I would say they are small to medium size projects. For big projects I would make them an actual Project, with lists and sub tasks. All my education stuff is in the bigger capital P Project structure: each course is its own list with tasks and sub-tasks.
That’s all I have so far.
All my reference materials are currently either in the task itself or my main reference database is Evernote. Not 100% happy with Evernote but very few note taking apps have an iOS app and also a web app.
Please post your own setups below!