Group by in Gantt View
Josh Sommer
It would be great if tasks could be grouped (and collapsed) in a Gantt view the way they can be in a list view.
This would be particularly useful for custom fields. For example if you have a custom dropdown field for region, period, customer, product, program, etc. it would be great to be able to see all tasks with each dropdown field value grouped together.
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Arthur Wait
Just putting in a big +100 for this request. We use custom fields for project assignment and need to display items grouped by project, just as we do in a list view. Thanks
Rexcel Lagare
Manually adding prefixes as a workaround for this is simply cumbersome, especially when dealing with loads of tasks. Can't see why this update is too hard a fix to work on.
Jake Russell
Essential to my workflow. Please 🙏🏻
Alan Ballany
Group by custom field please! We need this.
Samantha Falcon
This would be such a huge help, as we're just starting to use Gantt views to create Roadmaps for cross-department initiatives! Not needing many Lists to group Tasks in the chart will be a great quality of life improvement. =)
Anthony C.
Anthony C.
Anthony C.
We need this to make the Gantt view actually useful. Same goes for displaying Custom IDs in Gantt views.
Rob Barreca
This is critical to making the Gantt view usable. We use Sprints so tasks are in many lists but want to see a grouped Gantt chart and itʻs all split apart.
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