GitHub for guests
Erhan Abay
The current GitHub integration doesn't let guests to see the integration and connect PRs to tasks. Seems like you need to be able to access to the space where the repo is attached.
So the request is very basic, enable the integration for guests.
Log In
Mateusz Kruk
Merged in a post:
Allow Guests to view GitLab/GitHub/Bitbucket commits on tasks and utilize the integration
Harshul Patel
Right now, only Workspace Members can see GitLab/bit commits on a given task. It would be great if Guests can view commits associated to the task as well.
Matthew Wester
Merged in a post:
Guests can't see GitLab popup
Tamás Nagy
If we add a user as guest to ClickUp, then they cannot see Gitlab integration popup in tasks. It even can't be clicked at all.
Is this intentional?
Aleks S
This is a pain for us, please make this feature available
Alan Marks (guest)
Oh my gosh - it's terrible not to have this feature. We may have to abandon Clickup unless there is a work-around. How do you expect software organizations to work with contractors?
Max Lynam
definitely ... we are a non-=profit and work on open-source projects ... and not allowing contributing community devs to be able to work on the clickup tasks and follow github via the integration is a complete pain.
Furkan Yılmaz
Very good request, we are waiting impatiently.
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Guests GitHub Integration
Martin Currie
When collaborating or using short-term contractors, it would be hugely useful if Guests were able to track their GitHub activity in ClickUp.
Mauricio Sánchez
Must needed. Developers in most of the teams using ClickUp are guest members.