Get a new and better looking Icon for the ClickUp App.

Hans-Jørgen Kristiansen
I find that the current icon does not fit in anywhere. It's too big, has a bad shape for desktop, and looks awkward and not professional. You can see in the picture of my dock, that is dosen't look at home here.
Here I have design an example of how I would like the ClickUp icon to look like.
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Aaron Bielert
Zeb The new macOS icon looks great but the Windows 10 icon is very low quality and looks awful on high quality screens. Hopefully that can be fixed soon also.

Aaron Bielert: This should be fixed in our most recent release! Please update your app and let me know if it's better.

Johnson Ho
Zeb: Much better now. Thanks!

Jess Mason

Please download the latest version here:

Johnson Ho
Zeb: Windows icon is still the same (low resolution) after I downloaded and relaunched the desktop app. Is that expected? Thanks.

Hans-Jørgen Kristiansen
Zeb: Thanks! This looks like what I wanted it to.

Marcel Sala
Zeb: Icon is very low-res on windows 10 also. Please fix!

Marcel Sala: This should be fixed in our most recent release! Please update your app and let me know if it's better.

Johnson Ho: This should be fixed in our most recent release! Please update your app and let me know if it's better.


Robert Hartl
Maybe a good time for a small refresh. The C and U could be IMHO a perfect abstract check-icon like

Johnson Ho
Just got the latest update on the desktop app and the icon resolution looks a bit off on Windows 7.

Hans-Jørgen Kristiansen
Johnson Ho: Nice, it looks great! Still waiting to see the new icon on macOS.

Johnson Ho
Hans-Jørgen Kristiansen:
I meant to say that the resolution of the new icon does not look sharp in Windows 7, as you can see in my previous post.

Hans-Jørgen Kristiansen
Johnson Ho: Oh, i just thought that it was the picture. Stange that they would roll-out an unfinished icon.

John Nichols
It'd be great if the Android app supported adaptive icons too. Currently Android 8.0 and above gets confused and shows the standard Android app logo.

Great idea, Hans! We're on it

Hans-Jørgen Kristiansen
Zeb: Thanks! I'm really looking forward to it!

Hans-Jørgen Kristiansen: We loved your design, pretty much copying that ;)

Hans-Jørgen Kristiansen
Zeb: Haha, I'm glad that you liked my design enough to copy it.

Hans-Jørgen Kristiansen
Zeb: Seems like the new icon have been updated on Windows, but when can we expect to get the update for macOS?

in progress