Gantt time estimation of parent task
under review
Thomas Pfeiffer
The Gantt view doesn't take the aggregated time estimation of the subtasks.
I'd like to work on a clean representation, hidding subtasks (but even wuthout doing that), dragging my 1000H taks just put it in 1day slot.
I'd hope the full perdiod can be represented, from the starting date I'm putting and consedering the estimation time, the expected day the task will end.
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Kelly Fergus
Yes, this.
Rollup/ summary tasks are a must for the gantt view to be a viable option for ore robust project planning--not just task management or collaboration.
Not only is this parity with project management tools across the board (ex: Microsoft Project), but is a very standard method to provide at-a-glance project updates.
Alex Yule on 5/11/22 and Franchescoly Leiva 6/23/22 outline the standard, expected behavior.
Osvaldo Codea
Great feature! we need it, is important to know the timeline of a parent task and move it according to its subtask's date changes.
Nashaat Mohamed
on my work i need this feature and i'm wandering why this feature is not applied till now, the request is that we need the parent task to be calculated its start and end date automatically from its subtasks or even have the option to choose to calculate it automatically or manually
Rene Ortiz
We need this feature urgently!!
Berit Koppervik
Hello ClickUp - When are you going to fix this?
Alex Yule
Basic project management functionality would be
Parent Task Start Date = MIN Child Start Date
Parent Task End Date = MAX Child End Date
this is critical for easier project planning and is currently preventing us from moving ~100 users to ClickUp
in the example the Child tasks have dates and the Parent should automatically populate based on this information
Vidar van der Meijden
Alex Yule: YES! This.
Preferably with a similarly different visual styling as the list-level timing roll-up.
Sacha Manson-Smith
I have just started using ClickUp and am a bit surprised that parent start/end dates aren't calculated from sub-tasks. As another poster says, I'd expect the parent task start date to be based on the earliest sub-task start date, and the parent task end date to be based on the latest sub-task end date.
Brent Evans
under review
Hey everyone!
Thanks for reaching out! Hmm, I'm having difficulty understanding exactly what's going wrong here. Could you please send us a quick screen recording (we recommend showing the issue from your end? This would be very helpful in getting this resolved!
Leon Mellett
Brent Evans: The Subtasks's Time Estimates do not "Rollup" into the Task's Time Estimate. The Task does not start and end with any link to the Subtasks's Scheduled Time Slots.
So, in a nutshell, the Task does not span across the Scheduled Subtasks.
Brent Evans: In scheduling software that I've used, I would expect the start date of the parent task to align with that of the first subtask (that with the earliest start date), and the end date of the parent task to align with that of the last subtask. Therefore showing the total duration of that task. I was quite surprised not to see this feature on the Gantt chart.
The rippling between these parent tasks are then updated as the subtask durations change.
Franchescoly Leiva
Brent Evans: Something like this, that the Task bar is automatically drawn according to the start and end dates of its subtasks.
Marco Tizzoni
Brent Evans: any update on this? It was two years ago now
Thomas Pfeiffer
To be more specific :
Time Estimate Rollup, Time Tracking rollup and Remap Subtask due dates have been installed on the space I'm working in