Flag or star comments for filtering major updates & milestones
under review
Sam Baron
I often find myself copying important task comments out into the task description to capture major updates and milestones.
To avoid this extra effort and redundancy, it would be helpful if you could flag/star/favorite specific comments and then filter on them.
I know I can effectively do this by filtering on comment content if I use a consistent word or emoji, but that is prone to user error. Maybe I would be more comfortable with this solution if we had comment templates, but that's a different feature request.
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Laura Davison
We have tonnes of comments and have to spend quite a while looking for the crucial comments - would be perfect to star or pin the comments so we can quickly refer back to them
Mary Zafeiri
I was going to request pinning comments, but this is better.
Sam Baron
Justin Hunter: Pinning a comment is a great idea!! I would use this to identify the latest status update. It would be helpful if you could show the pinned comment in views like you can with latest comment.
Justin Hunter
under review
Justin Hunter
Hey Sam Baron! Great feedback! I think this would be useful for a bunch of reasons (could be used to pin comments too, for example). I'll review with the team.