FaceBook does not work for everyone, making the ClickUp Community inaccessible for those who have chosen to leave the platform. Facebook is considered by a growing number of people as having succeeded in becoming the evil platform it intended to be since it's inception, and by an astonishing degree.
FaceBook is not a democratic platform, far from it. It's not transparent, far from it. and it is not driven by good intentions, not at all. Who has the influence over key decisions made about what Facebook does with the power it holds? Bad, very bad people decide what the platform does and what it does is shocking and terribly unsettling. It endangers people's lives and like a super-magnet it's reach makes it irresistible and a strategic competitive target for every key center of power on the planet. Any power center worth it's salt will simply have their way with the company without much pushback, if any. Mark Zuckerberg cannot stand up to the threats he certainly receives, the company is simply too big to belong to other than the most powerful and ruthless interests on the planet.
Their decisions affect every user. They determine the way the system functions, and affect outcomes beyond the more obvious ones. The concentration and reach of this unchecked absolute power by definition produces the worst corrupt outcomes possible that unquestionably compromise the safety and health of billions of people. Those outcomes will be catastrophic, it is simply a matter of time, and that time could hav already come. As of now, Facebook has demonstrated:
  • Disregard for 1st Amendment rights,
  • Blatant political manipulation (and who knows who controls Facebook's choices?),
  • Addiction to the platform is the prime directive at Facebook according to founders who have left because of it.
  • They abuse and misuse people's private data in every conceivable way. possible (monetize-able)
  • This includes the sale of data to other businesses regardless of the consequences of their actions, intended and unintended.
  • The alarming number of suicides grows. But the worst consequences could cause suicide to seem a viable option.
How much worse does it have to get before everyone abandons Facebook? Something will replace it that is less corrupt until it grows large too. Until all that is sorted out hosting the community for ClickUp on FaceBook leaves some people out. Finally, it's an association that I assert runs contrary to ClickUp's integrity.