Embed Google Drive Folders
[support ticket]
User wants to be able to embed Google Drive Folders so they can access subfolders and Google Docs/Sheets/Slides within - without having to exit ClickUp.
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Ian Arthur
Sergio Morales
I didn't even know we couldn't embed google folders until I tried. This would take the google suite integration to a whole new level. We use the suite for everything and with partner organizations. I do have to open new tabs to get to where I want which, first world problems, but what sold me on ClickUp and why I continue to use it/recommend it was the seamless integrations. They're supposed to allow you to do anything from within the platform without having to navigate out of it and I have to constantly open new tabs to get to the correct drives in google.
John Dwyer
Would be very handy and bring the team together in one place
Gayle Bird
Yes please!! I have client Clickup Folders and and client Google Drive Folders and I want to be able to access one from the other directly!!
Peter Zdravkovski
I'd love to see this happening as well!
Josh Boswell
Weird that we can embed EVERYTHING BUT Google Drive Folders? That would be the first place I'd start with since you can access everything else from there (docs, sheets, slides, any other files etc...). Anyway, this is a MUST for us and really would make this a one-stop hub for all projects ever. ClickUp doesn't do files like Google (wish it did) but it needs to at least fully integrate with Google so we can use both effectively. Thanks guys.
Mariane Silvestre
i was directed to this request but what I want exactly is the option to attach a folder to a task so the files are automatically updated in the task when I make changes in them. That wy I don't need to upload it every time
Marina Schnoerringer
Currently, when trying to integrate a Google Drive folder link in a view, a 403 error is displayed. It would be really useful to access the Google Drive folder and its documents without leaving Clickup.
Because sometimes, when you have too much documents to be added each in a view, it would be great to simply embed the Drive.
Brendan Haughey
Seconding this, it's no problem to select which drive folder I want to attach to a task but having to open in new tab to interact with the drive shouldn't be necessary. On Trello for example there is already a power up that integrates the drive folder you want and lets you open and interact with those files in Trello.
Courtney Boudet
This would make the dashboard a one stop information hub for my clients.
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