🪲 Email Signature Causes Major UI Problem
under review
Oh! Major UI issue! When sending an email, if you include a signature, the signature stays fixed at the bottom of the email/comment text input area, and scrunches the text up into a teeny tiny scrolling text area. See picture. Notice the itty bitty scrollbar on the right. It's caused by the signature below it (not shown in picture for privacy).
In v2, the signature would sit within the text area, and would scroll along with the content, not sit fixed below the text input area.
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I just realized that in V3 the comment/email input box has a drag-to-resize bar at the top of it. Maybe this is a new addition, I'm not sure. For now, it's a workaround for the signature issue, allowing you to see both the email content and the signature. Ultimately though, I'd like the email signature to be positioned relative to the bottom of the email content, and not sticky at the bottom of the text field.
DO NOT ASSIGN Admin (Anthoney)
also reported by my team and in some cases means the email cannot be sent at all.
Ivan Villa
under review
Ivan Villa: 👏