Eisenhower Matrix for Prioritization
Lovro Magdalenic
I like to do a "brain dump" at the start of each week. Essentially all the tasks I need to get done and then I sort them into my Eisenhower matrix. It's just 4 quadrants:
- Urgent and important
- Urgent but not important
- Important but not urgent
- Not urgent and not important
It would be amazing to have this feature in my opinion. It really helps you prioritize things on a weekly basis, so you can decide what needs to be done each day
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Ryan MacAlmon
Lily Chan is this your area too?
Lily Chan
Ryan MacAlmon: This is appropriately set in the Views area. One recommendation would be to use Board View with Swimlanes.
Group by an Urgency CF, and turn on Swimlanes set to Priority/Importance CF.
Ryan MacAlmon
Caroline Ginty I think we are getting closer with Dashboard on the list level. We just need a bubble chart for the Dashboard.
Ryan MacAlmon
The matrix needs to be a report or dashboard automatically based on values placed in task
Caroline Ginty
Merged in a post:
Rename Priority Flags to match Eisenhower Matrix
I use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize my task inbox list. Currently, I use an "urgent" checkbox and an "important" checkbox custom field, then use filters and sorting to order things the way they should be.
Right now, Urgent, High, Normal, Low, and None don't quite map correctly.
Could these be changed to "High", "Urgent", "Important", and "None"?
I really like this idea.
Kim Hoang
Check out TickTick, they have this feature which works great.
So this feature has been on request for 5 years now.
The whiteboard version isn’t a quick, easy nor generally user friendly experience.
Surely a board view can be created - with 4 quadrants - based on a specific rule or tag.
There’s so many tasks and workspaces I would love to be able to shuffle around into quadrants and auto assign the tasks by priority/tag.
It shouldn’t be THAT hard to create this view….Surely…? 🥲
Uncle King
JM: You can create a work around using board view then add custom field and group by that custom field. This will give you four columns you can drag your tasks into.
I think the new version also might allow you to build a custom view with new features.
Uncle King: thanks Les. I’m more so referring to the quadrant view. That’s what makes priority matrix so effective - how data / tasks can be sorted through each quadrant. I feel that the board view doesn’t quite cut it the same way, but that’s just me 🥲
othman Alazzam
Hello Everyone,
I understand the frustration in this post and the comments on it, and the amount of tries down below to replicate it is tremendous, so I decided to add my own workaround, all you have to do is 2 simple steps :::
1- create a "custom filed" with "drop-down" type, with literally the four values as the "choose-from" you know (Urgent/Import .. Urgent/NotImportant .. NotUrgent/Important ..NotUrgent/NotImportant) I've another one called "for others/strict" as I believe others' rights is something to not mess with ...
2- Now for the view.. I simply used the default "board" view, created new one and named it "Board- The Matrix" and there you group the tasks by this custom field you have created and voalla!! you have 4 different columns.. with an "empty" column for those non-classified yet.
I know it's not as pretty as the "four blocks" diagram, but it's nonetheless easy, simple, fast (considering the other solutions provided below), and it still works very well for those who understand the idea behind the matrix.
Hope this helps someone, if it does please thumb this comment up (or give it heart) so others can see it as well and use it!.. Stay Productive
Yehuda Zahler
I need the Eisenhower matrix added
Jason Jerald
I'm a bit confused why something as basic, important, and essential as the eisenhower matrix is for task planning is not being implemented but all the other nice-to-have but not essential features are being implemented. For example, a eisenhower matrix view (among hundreds of other planned and in progress features) is more important than a whiteboard where that whiteboard has got to be orders of magnitude more complex than a eisenhower matrix view.
Devin Hedge
Jason Jerald: Because they don't actually understand personal, team, and organizational planning? They seem to be just throwing whatever sells into the backlog whether is makes sense or not. They basically are propagating the very dysfunctions of poor management practices by using poor management practices. Kinda' ironic, yes?
Philippe D. Côté
Jason Jerald: Actually, you can build your own very rough Eisenhower Matrix with the Whiteboard feature. I’m currently doing it and it’s not that bad.
Jason Jerald
Philippe D. Côté: That is great! Could you share a screenshot and/or basic description of how you are doing that?
Philippe D. Côté
Jason Jerald: Sure, there you go.
The places where it’s written "Loading" are actual ClickUp tasks that are taking a little while to load.
So, I’m using 2 ClickUp windows to do that. In the first window, I search for tasks I want to insert inside the matrix. Then, I copy the task ID, go to the second window, insert a task inside the Whiteboard by pasting the ID inside the search field, then I place the task inside the corresponding box. Next to each box, I placed a colored rectangle that matches the ClickUp Priority flags. The last thing I do is assign the correct flag to the tasks. It helps a great lot!
Jason Jerald
Philippe D. Côté: Thank you Phillippe. I created a task to experiment with this like you are suggesting.
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