Due Date Countdown

It would be nice to have to option to add a countdown to the due dates on tasks, especially in the list view so in addition to seeing the due date you could also see maybe "Due In" as a column heading and then "3 days" or whatever for when it's due. Perhaps this could be available in other views as well. Obviously we don't want things too cluttered so maybe this can be an added option for those who want to use it?
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Guys please don't email me about the formula I don't use any formula anymore. The picture i posted was a mockup, meaning it is fake meant to give a cool idea to clickup. I made it in ms paint.
Here's a quick mock up picture of what it could look like having a live running count down until due date. Per task.
The formula work around is cumbersome and annoying to be honest. It also isn't a great looking implementation. I would prefer something that could show days + hours at least. Maybe even having live minutes and seconds would help "feel" the the deadline coming if you know what I mean.
For example "3d 4h 31m 58s"
But running down actively.

Rafal Reyzer
PLEASE make this feature available as one of the fields. It would be a HUGE help. Thanks!

Kathleen Grohs-Maciaszczyk
YES. WE absolutely need it ! Countdown is super important. I need it for the whole list or folders

Madeleine LeClerc
Would love this as a dashboard widget for large projects.
Eduardo Bispo
We need that ClickUp, please! Also, hours and minutes countdown would be awesome!
Ankit Agrawal
Countdown feature is needed for tasks, sub-tasks, comments also. If there is provision to create a countdown by using slash commands, it will be useful to add countdown anywhere where there is a need.
Mariana Borges
Dashboard with project due date countdown please!!

Wahid T. Yahya
Yes! I need this. Currently I another app for this.
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