Ivan Villa
Group by Custom Field PLEASE!
Ivan Villa
Aaron: Next one on the List! :)
Ivan Villa: When would i be able to group by 'Tracked Time' Date ?
Ivan Villa
GS: Hey! We don't have this in the roadmap, but I created a feature request you can jump on here, just write a comment with a little details https://clickup.canny.io/admin/board/feature-requests/p/group-by-tracked-time-date
London Rodriguez
I'd love to see a "group by TAG" option as well!
Siobhan Wheelan
Please add Group By: List. Also it would be great to have a Group by hierarchy option. For instance,
- Group by: Status then by List
- Group by: Assignee then by Status
- Group by: Due Date then by Status or List or Assignee
Silvia Pompei
A board view as "tiles", not just single board columns, would be very helpful, especially when working with images (like a story-board). At least an optional tile view for a selected status. I was used to that kind of tile view in apple keynote. Also would be nice if the "turned off" statuses would almost disappear or shrink "thinner". They feel kind of in the way. Thank you
Planned with 2.0
Darryl Brooks
Or a view for Projects and Spaces.
Jonathon Leeke
I'd love to see a board with columns for each assignee, so I can see everyone's workload or walk through projects and get status updates from each person.
Or a board based on custom fields (or tags) to view tasks grouped together by their category or department. Or one based on due date as was suggested earlier to keep projects focused on the most urgent tasks (and/or group/sort tasks in the list view by due date).
I'm having to fake out some of my projects, making the status equal to a release date to produce a roadmap view. Having a board based on a custom field for "Release" or "Iteration" would give me that without the hack.
Michael spakousky
Agreed. I manage Rental properties that have a series of “projects” or “spaces” ongoing at all times. It’s kind of a make or break that I can’t view the lists/boards by due date, property, unit number. If I tag them thoroughly it should be able to operate like a database with statuses . Correct? Thank you
Tarun Masani
Merged in a post:
Create a 'board view' based on tags
Sophia Kaminski
Ideally, you would be able to customize board view based on e.g. tags, date, time spent etc. That way you have a quick and powerful overview
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