Customizeable Daily Summary
Arina Arina
A daily summary of what has been done, by who, how long it took (if applicable), time it was completed, and other features. This is especially useful for team leaders to see what each team member has done for the day, or what different components of projects were completed (and by who)
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Stephanie Benton
This idea would be great because at the moment it doesn't show the parent task and therefore for us it doesn't give us the information we need
Leon Prather
Is this an email, or an in-app suggestion?
Robert Tillung
Having a daily summary for all workspaces and assignees would be extremely helpful in knowing what tasks everyone is assigned to do for that day !
Julija Novikova
I am concerned that unscheduled tasks are not listed in the Daily Summary and thus do not get enough attention - suggest to have "unscheduled" / "backlog" section in the email as well.
Sebastian Villaveces
I second the request to show parent task in hierarchy breadcrumbs for any subtasks. Lacking this functionality makes the use of subtasks deficient if a team relies on the Daily Summary to track priority activities.
Shaquille Payne
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Show Parent Task In Summary Email For Subtasks
Christopher Rosa
In the Daily Summary Email, show the subtasks parent task in the hierarchy breadcrumbs.
Jeff Mante
When will this be available? This is really very helpful in team and project management.
Jamie Milam
Absolutely. This should be a must-have. I'd love to see each user be able to customize the report. But most importantly, as the team leader, I'd like to have a report sent to me at the end of each day/week that tells me what tasks were closed out, what is overdue and what is on-going or needs response.
Jacqueline Lolong
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Priority flags in summary email
It would be nice to see the flag for the priority of our tasks in the daily summary email. This would add a ton of functionality to this feature.
Jacqueline Lolong
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Overdue Summary
Shannon Sims
Just as you have a single, daily summary of all the tasks you have due that day, please make a single email summary of all overdue items for a day. Please add three options to make it for just you AND everyone else, just you or everyone else.
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