Customize Home
Evan Schubert
You should be able to customize Home like you can customize a dashboard, but with a better layout and structure (perhaps choose from a few set templates?). Filters need to be available, simple charts and reports, along with a task list that can be custom set to include/exclude whatever is needed (this includes being able to add columns and seeing additional custom fields in this view). And ideally the Inbox is a separate tab inside of Home, so its all in one spot and there is only one place that all team members need to go to work out of!
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Could you please make it so that we can display a current sprint active board on the homepage as well ? As a developer, it would really help me with the user experience. I would even be glad if it wasn't a widget but just the ability to configure a view as my homepage in the app. Thanks in advance.
Upvoting your post. This sounds a lot like Home V3. I'd encourage you to link your post in the comments there and upvote it there too if you're interested