Custom Backgrounds
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Peter Fae
This is really a MAJOR productivity tool. Really. It's about the psychology of creativity, about people feeling empowered in their beauty and talent when in an environment which reflects that. While I adore the technical mastery of ClickUp, every update you do that has a
bit more visual adaptability skyrockets ClickUp's product value.I'd wondered about how it would look for awhile as i'd really liked the ability (and higher productivity) that came from the Craft app, but stuck with ClickUp for the superpower functionality. Yet while I did, I wanted the backgrounds to come with me.
Now I work with it. I've looked at putting images into the descriptions above lists and i Docs, with putting them in Board views and Dashboards, gradually weaving together as much visual environmental as I could, so I wanted to give you all an example of what it
look like, the ways in which the loyal clickiputians :) of the community could experience even more of the "one point of truth" that you're baking into the cake.More visuals better. Kudos on the advancements on the mobile app with the gradients and all that. This is the next step forward.
Plus - bonus points, add backgrounds to Chat, so people can get that Facebook-style "themed" experience.
Heather Chipman
Joey - Pretty pretty please! The ability to add background images to each list is SO important for my everyday use of ClickUp. Please please implement this!
Erina Williams
Please, please, please allow us to customise the background of the forms! I need this asap, as have a black background on my website and the dark form background is very muddy and ugly and makes my website look cheap! Will you please at least change the dark background option to full black??#000000
Eugene Kalesnikovich
As someone thinking of moving to ClickUP from Trello this is the first off-putting thing you notice. Yes, a bunch of options but extremely boring design. And with all the complexity and functionality it offers you think "oh should we really move to these emptiness".
Josh Piepmeier
Please implement this!
Jake Smith
Considering moving over from Trello after board collab limitations were announced.
Nearly six years and you still can't add a background to a space?
Harrison Bolton
Joey PLS ❤️
Harrison Bolton: Thanks for the tag, let me share this with the right people!
Rebekah Ralston
Looking at the 3.0 release page, I noticed a custom background image and customize options in one of the gifs. I immediately upgraded to learn that is not apparently something I can actually do :( Why tease? That's just mean.
please please please add the ability to color panels on the dashboard
Shelley Stephen
Yes, yes, 1000 times yes. I love the Gantt view, and lots of things about ClickUp but it all blends together.....
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