Confirm and undo merge
Rob Leslie
I just accidentally merged two tasks. This is a big move that is difficult to undo. Please ask the user to confirm that this is what they want to do before they do it, and ideally give them a way to undo it right away.
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Ahmed Wahba
Agree to add the confirmation before merge and the ability to undo the action as well for at least 5 to 10 seconds
Sharina Pratt
The ability to undo merge tasks would be a gamechanger for the rare occurrence I accidently merge tasks that were selected. I spent more time recreating 25+ lines of new tasks for one error that could've been undo within 2 seconds of clicking the button.
Robert Krasnov
Agreed, I wanted to copy the subtasks of one task to another task. By mistake, I selected all the subtasks and merged with the target task, this led to the fact that the subtasks disappeared, and only comments to these subtasks appeared in the target task.
Wyatt Best
Unmerge would be nice, but please don't add a confirmation step. We ingest emails as tasks, helpdesk-style, and do a TON of merging.
Vitória Rebeca Souza
I would like to undo a merge, as there were pieces of information in the merged task that were lost when merged.Please implement this !!
How can you have merge function but doesnt have undo. omg
Eric C. Hernandez
I moved about 8 subtasks out of a task, tried to move it back, and accidentally hit the merge button. Probably, bruh, it said undo and nothing happened, at least it looked like it was the window box to undo for that action but it didn't. When you merge two tasks together, specific information is added to the second task, it doesn't, a lot of this information is basically, all of our hard work merged into a void. Task to task should keep its title, descriptions, assignees added, comments added, attachments, and more subtasks, keep its tags, priorities, dates, recurrence, time tracked, Custom Fields, and estimated times. Probably even the custom boxss.
Jozsef Paksi
Same here. I bulk set an assignee for about 80 tasks. Then I didn't notice that after any action made the previously selected tasks remain selected. I went ahead and merged 2 tasks. It took surprisingly long. Only then, I noticed that instead of 2, I merged 80 tasks into a single task, with ZERO chance to undo or unmerge them. I spent about a day re-creating all tasks.
I'd say that this is not only a problem with merging but with bulk actions in general. We need some kind of a confirmation window where it's clearly visible that I'm doing this to X tasks and if I'm REALLY sure about it. Imagine setting a status or assignee for 100 or 400 tasks without any confirmation. It's a nightmare.
There should be a function for the user to merge and unmerge easily to create the convenience for those accident. It will a good step for all of the users/guest to quickly undone the mistake and focus on the important which is solving the task.
Creating the individual task again (manually) is really not helping out on the productivity
Kimberly Wasiczko
I merged two tasks together I thought were identical but have no way to undo this action. There needs to be to reverse this easily. Please consider building this into the app soon!
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