Configure ai assisted scheduling options
Ricardo Clerigo
Some users have requested a way to configure settings for the ai assisted scheduler, like minimum break, working hours etc.
- eg which custom field to use as the deadline to use when time blocking
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Trevin O'Cain
Noticed that longer tasks, like 4-hour ones, get split into multiple 1-hour blocks. Sometimes that's useful, but it would be nice to have a setting to keep them as a full 4-hour block.
Guy Mannerings
Also settings for what
we as individuals
prioritise.Like do we prioritise certain Custom Fields entries (e.g., Dropdown option 1 over Dropdown option 2) over others?
Do we prioritise Due Dates over Priority settings?
Do we prioritise a Custom Field over a Tag?
Do we prioritise one List over another?
Etc etc etc.
Assumptions of what is a priority could be really annoying. ClickUp was always built on customisation. A big part of the point of ClickUp is that we as individuals can set our ClickUp up differently to someone else.
So any features need to take in to account that individual people set up and use their ClickUp differently to other people.