ClickUp Home - Personalized card
Julien da Costa
It would be nice if you could add a personalized option in the Home cards.
This card it would has the Filters tool (Image attached), so we can choose what we want to see on that card.
For example, we could filter:
- Tasks from space x
- Due date is today or in the next 5 days.
- Status is "To Do"
- Location/List is not X, Y and Z.
At the moment we have "My Work" card, but it only shows what is assigned to you, and it shows everything. And a lot of tasks in my workspace doesn't even have a person assigned, because I'm the only one.
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Julien da Costa
With the new amazing updates on ClickUp, now I'm using the space/list "Overview" tool. This is what I was talking about. Nice work!!
For me, this feature request is no longer important to me.
Tim Jasper
Yes definitely need customisable cards. I currently have a custom date field [Review Date] for tasks. Ideally I would like a card similar to 'assigned to me' but based on my [Review Date] .
Yes ! I like this idea !
I just discover the "personal list" thingy, but I actually have a all space dedicates to personal stuff. I would love to be able to seperate them from the "My work" card. A filter would be perfect to do the trick and keep thing organized !
And I am sure I'll use it for other thing too.