Checklist which does not strike out the content when checked off

I heavily use checklists for things like list of attandees at meetings or agenda points.
However, if I check-off someone as being present she/he gets struck-out which - in that case - is not intended.
A similar logic applies to topics to be discussed during meetings (i.e. agenda points) - here as well it would be great to be able to check-off one point without it getting struck-out.
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I second this. It's also really nice to be able to read through a checklist when it's completed. Like, I've got a doc where I'm assembling a list of items I want to bring on a trip. When I've got them all checked off, it's hard to skim through my list and think if there are any items I forgot to include in it. This should be some kind of back-end setting in a person's account where they can decide if checklist items get struck through once they are checked or not. (Alternatively, changing the text to italics would make the list both easier to read when checked while still making the font style helpful in telling which items are complete).

Dan Harrigan
I agree that this can cause confusion to the users - especially when some of the original content was struck out. It's difficult to read a completed task and could potentially hide redacted content.

Megan McLean
I would also find this very useful. We use checklists in some of our templates as a multiple choice option. For instance, one of our templates is for staff to request a graphic design project. So in the description of the Graphic Content task, we have an item that says "This graphic request is for:" and then we use a checklist to display factsheet, postcard, sticker, social media meme, etc. It would be nice for them to select which one applies to their graphic project without the words striking out. I wonder if there would be a way to have two options (a selection checklist and a "to do" checklist) as I'm sure some teams find it useful to show when items in a to-do list have been completed by striking them out.