Bulk Editing - Logged Time
Jessica Flick
I need to be able to add time to 10 different jobs at the same time. For example. If i spend 3 hours working on 10 sell sheets at the same time to make all of the fonts design consistent. I need to be able to add .3 hours to each job/task.
Can you please Add Time Logged to the Bulk Editing Bar. Please Please and Thank You
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Zoe Macfarlane
Yes please. This wld be such a time saver
Monique Wolf
Yesss please would love this feature!!
Stefan Natter
I need that too. I wonder why there are only 9 upvotes for this. How do you tag multiple time tracking entries to "billable" at the end of the month without a bulk edit feature?
Luke Flegg
Stefan Natter: why wouldn't you create a task that's more accurately describing the actual work? Changing the font/design on sell sheets isn't really working .3 hours on 10 sell sheets is it?
Stefan Natter
Hi Luke Flegg.
It's been a while since I wrote this, but my use case was not exactly the same as Jessica's. I wanted to tag multiple tracking entries to "billable" with a bulk editing feature, not splitting the assigned time to n-tasks. But that's not a use-case we need for our work anymore, we've made other arrangements.