Bring back more time selections in Dashboard reports
Lee Fuhr
Early days here, but the Dashboard currently has narrowed the time selections to just
• This year
• This month
• This week
from what was presented in Reporting:
• Today
• Yesterday
• This week
• Last week
• This month
• Last month
• This year
• Custom
These presets feel _extra_ important in the new Dashboard, which is set up to encourage sit-back viewing as opposed to Reporting which encourages playing with the data.
My use case: my bookkeepers need to come in each month and pull reports per project (folder) per client (space) for the previous month. Instead of one report that they can swap some selections, I'll now need to set up a Dashboard widget for every project, and they'll have to manually set the time in each and every one. Double woof.
I'd like to see at least all the ones from before come back, and possibly the ability to set a custom relative date (for things like "previous half-month" or "previous two weeks").
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Ryan VanGundy
For reference, here is what Datadog provides for time-series dashboard time selection. This makes a lot of sense to me! You can also arbitrarily drag across any portion of a graph, so you could zoom out to an entire year then select some arbitrary subset. Would be so nice to have this in ClickUp.
Hari Prasad B
We need these features orelse customers might leave...
RS Sound Ltd
Totally agree. All the filters across ClickUp - Lists, Dashboards and automations could do with much more flexible time based filtering. Could do with specific months as well - so it's easy, for example, to select "May of this year" or "May of Last year" - almost more granular filter to filter independantly on Day or the Month or the Year. This combined with better boolean operators (so you don't have to globally be AND or OR for a filter list, but can have AND / OR on each individual filter item would make everything much more powerful.
Robin Randolph
I also would like to have the ability to set a custom relative date, for things like " this week", "next week", "week following next", "three weeks from now" so that you could have a widget calculating the number of task relative to the current week and the weeks that follow, instead of having to manually change the date range each week.
It would be extremely beneficial if the drop-down options allowed you to select "x number of" "days, weeks, months, years" from "today, yesterday, last week, last month, next week, next month" etc.
Rob Alan
"All time" would be 🙌🏻
Alexander Selle
Totally agree. It is saying the new dashboards can do so much more than the legacy reporting, but the reports we usually needed (time tracked last month for a given project) are simply not possible yet.