Blocking/Dependency Automation
Chris Weaver
Allow automation to create a task that is either blocking or dependant on the task that has triggered the automation.
Ie. A custom checkbox is ticked that I need to order special stock. So the automation captures the checkbox and creates a blocking task in a "special orders" list.
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Samantha Murillo
Totally agree this is needed!
Zack Salem
completely agree!! I need to create a template to apply to a subtask via automation that will automatically set the new subtask as blocking the parent task. Ex. if the invoice has not been paid the order should not be processed. So the subtask would be collect payment on invoice which would be blocking the parents task which is the full order task.
I can't believe more people haven't upvoted this. What a world of possibilities this feature would open up!
Merged in a post:
Trigger automation based on task dependency being blocked
Adam Foot
For example the ability to move the task into a "Blocked" status whenever the task itself is blocked. Would help simplify the list of tasks the users then know they need to focus on.
Oli Harford
Its a shame this still hasn't been implemented as this would give the ClickUp platform a real boost. I need this for trying to make an effective move to ClickUp as we have a lot of dependencies and I want them to go to a status of Ready once the Waiting on tasks have been completed. The little symbol next to a task name is just not clear and this could lead to mistakes or massive overhead of constantly needing to check especially for in depth projects.
I really hope this is implemented soon.
Rebecca Julius
I am going to workaround this using subtasks but a separate task that actually blocks this one from moving forward would be MUCH better to manage.
Oleksandr Zalishchuk
Yes, it would be very useful
For me, this is especially important to create automation for transitive priorities (if task A has priority low, but blocks task B with priority > low, set A.priority = B.priority)
Lee Shakespeare
Yes we also want this too. I want to trigger a rule and have it create a task which has a dependency to the task which triggered the rule.
E.g. I put a task in for a main job and the automation creates other jobs which block the main task.
John Waite
I am using a master list to handle company-wide initiatives. Individual divisions are wanting to keep their work consolidated in their own spaces. I'm using tags to associate the work on these company initiatives that are in a division-specific space to help teams prioritize this work. We link the division's work to the company initiative based through dependencies.
I would be nice to have an automation to attribute the tag that is on the initiative to the individual items when a dependency is set.
Lauren Orchard
Merged in a post:
When Status Changes, Unblock Task
Blake Carter
From user: It looks like there is no automation for changing dependencies as tasks move through the status flow--For example, once a status is changed to "deploy to internal," it would be great to create an automation where the blocked task becomes unblocked
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