Backup entire docs

We are considering having our entire documentation on Clickup. But currently I am a not confident about the restoration ability of the docs. The export functionality does not include the docs in them. Also it's very easy to delete docs by accident with no way of getting it back.
If you could please create some safe backup options for the docs, for example exporting the entire docs into markdown as a backup, that would be a huge help towards us moving our entire company's documentation into Clickup.
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Dear CU team! Do you have any plans on it? Please let us know! It is very important feature

Pete Jackson
This is another foundational feature essential for any serious enterprise users, and like so many others, it's entirely unacceptable and confusing that this remains unaddressed 4-5 years later. This raises huge concerns about ClickUp's priorities and product development process.
Addressing this would probably be a light lift and would open up a major market of larger enterprises that currently cannot risk building documentation, knowledge bases, etc. on a system as fragile as ClickUp without an ability to even back up this critical data.

Thodoris Gkitsos
This is absolutely needed. We have an extensive documentation in Clickup and some members have deleted it accidentally* 3-4 times already. Then we have to contact ClickUp support to restore it, which takes 1 day, and the team can't work during that period.
* The delete button in the top right corner is totally misleading. The user thinks that will delete the currently viewed doc subpage, but it deletes the entire doc with all its subpages which are hundreds in my case.

Martina Russo
How is such a basic feature still being upvoted?
Josh Sommer
Concerning that this still isn't on the roadmap. Any updates ClickUp team?
Related requests:
Jorg Poolman (TMC)
Come on Clickup. It's now 2023. How can you mis this feature?

Pascal Vuylsteker
This feature is key if you want companies to move their entire Knowledge Base onto ClickUp
Michał Piórkowski
Please, add backup feature to docs. Without it, buiding a knowledge base in clickup is risky.

Aleksei Dmitriev
Please add this feature. It will be very useful
Stephan Engels
What is the current status?
We also cannot and must not use the Doc function if we have no backup options whatsoever.
If Doc Files got an API, they could back it up externally. Not perfect either, but there is a way.
At best, both options will be made available promptly.
By the way, when will Clickup 3.0 be available? :-)
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