Alphabetical Sorting
Submitted by ClickUp user, Michelle:
"When in board view our statuses, lists and tasks are just the way we have arranged them, i.e. 01 Creative Brief, 02 Concepts. However when in list view there is only sorting by date or priority etc., and no matter how I try and drag them into alpha position it does not work. It would be very helpful to have an Alpha sort as well, so that statuses, lists and tasks can be created as a step by step process for clients [more intuitive & also not every use case will use statuses as actually that but perhaps stages or categories etc.].
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Andy Patterson
Can anyone at ClickUp advise on this? As others have stated, finding a task when a customer calls is impossible to find unless you search. Alpha sorting is critical. This is incredibly inefficient having to search every time.
Please advise when this process improvement is expected. Asana, MeisterTask and several others already have this basic functionality. Thanks!
Andy Patterson: Hey Andy! You already can sort by name by adding the name column shown below. Is that what you need?
Andy Patterson
Zeb: Hello Zeb..actually I was referring to sorting in the Board view.
Andy Patterson: Got it! That will be released with 2.0 in April
This is over a year later so far. I am very interested as there are currently NO way to sort lists. It has a non-working drag and drop feature. (cannot drag and drop lists to sort.. .everything is X'd out.
James Creedon
Is this still happening? We are a law firm and we have a Space called Client Work, Project called Active Clients, and Lists for each client (under which we put tasks). Since we cannot alphabetize Lists, it creates a lot of extra work for use to rearrange periodically. Will this be coming soon?
john wayne williamson
not sure why this feature request is marked complete, as alphabetical sorting of projects is not yet available that i can find
john wayne williamson: Hey John! This was marked complete for alphabetical sorting of tasks (not projects)
Zeb: Hi Zeb, so is there a separate initiative to let us sort projects / lists?
CY CHAN: Yep there's a thread on this board
josh jacobs
Merged in a post:
Sorting Tasks Alphabetically
Marcus Howarth
As some of my tasks are client names, the ability to sort them alphabetically A-Z would be perfect, also allowing to keep them within the status order would be ideal
Mark W
I would agree with Zach. It could also be used as a 'hack' for custom sorting. For instance if I wanted to use my own custom way of sorting (say be a numbers) I could in theory put a number in front of the alphabetical letter and sort "alphabetically" and get the order I need. Just a thought.
Darryl Brooks
Mark W: Here's another idea I borrowed from back in my time with Outlook. I want a more granular custom sorting for priority, but don't want to use custom fields for two reasons: 1) A single number takes up about 10 spaces on the list, and 2) Not quite ready to go unlimited yet.
So, I use a listable, sortable field that I'm not using. In my case, I use Time Estimate. I arbitrarily chose minutes. Now I have an unlimited, sortable number I can use for my daily priorities. I've never been a 4 level of priority guy, I want to know what's next. But your idea of putting a number in front of the name is a good one
Mark W
Darryl Brooks: Excellent suggestion @Darryl Brooks! I will have to try re-purposing it for other sortable list needs.
Personally, I like to use the Pareto principle Geoffry James describes in the following ( so I am working on the things that have the most value for least amount of work. As a product manager I usually have multiple projects and tasks going on at once so I want to work the items of greatest value first. But the drawback is that I have to do the manual division. I like to prioritize an item quickly so I don't get bogged down in "analysis paralysis" and move on to doing the work. I am looking forward to experimenting with calculated custom fields because it will do the math for me but it does take up space as you mentioned. Zenkit allows you to do this out of the box but Click Up has far better overall functionality.