"All" tab for important and other notifications
Simon Ferndriger
Since I don't have many notifications, I would like to see them all in one tab without having to switch back and forth.
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Brendan W
Hey, everyone!
We're actively developing this feature as you know, but still have a few questions we'd love your feedback on!
If you have a few minutes, please take this survey!
Brendan W
Hey, everyone!
We're actively developing this feature as you know, but still have a few questions we'd love your feedback on!
If you have a few minutes, please take this survey!
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Improvements for Inbox
Courtney Hernandez
- Add an inbox category tab for “All” notifications combined. I like the important and other inboxes, but would also like to see an “All” inbox for those who prefer to see everything in one place.
- We need to have control of what we consider “Important” notifications. A good chunk of notifications in my “important” inboxes are not something I would consider important. For example “status” changes to tasks. (this is for me, other ClickUp users may find this important, I do not and should have the choice to decide what is important for me to see in my notifications)
For example: I’d prefer my important inbox was comments/messages, assigned to me, and reminders.
Date and status changes are examples of things I would consider to be “other.”
The solution:
Create a way to customize this in the notification settings by having a check box column that says “Mark as Important” on each type of notification. Those that are checked go into people’s important notifications, those that are not, go into other.
..And again, have an All inbox for those people who prefer to see everything in one place (important, other, comments, reminders, etc etc etc), instead of having to click through different inboxes and filters.
Brendan W
Brendan W
Courtney Hernandez
Dropping this on another post clickup just marked in progress!
Brendan W
Yes please! "Important" notifications are being missed by the auto categorization.
Additionally to OP, notifications that end up in "other" do not show up in the sidebar which hardly makes them "notifications".
Also having no control of what is "important" is extremely flawed, if I am watching a task how is that not important enough to get me notified?
I am forced to use emails...
Becca Tam
Mathies Yes, I agree so much with this! There are plenty of tasks that I would love to be notified on and instead, ClickUp deems them as "other" and I often miss them. If there are going to be separate categories, AT LEAST let us dictate which tasks can go where.
I catch myself constantly clicking in the "inbox" just to make sure I have no notifications in "other" because they don't appear in the left sidebar. I use ClickUp for efficiency and this feature is quite the opposite.
Erikk Teschlog
This. The new "inbox" is way less helpful - the streamline of all my communications was easy to sort through prior to this update. Plus displaying the whole task instead of just the comment/due date change/etc. is annoying
Rebecca Julius
Yes, this! I just want all my notifications grouped together in one place by date. It's horribly confusing to go back and forth.
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