Adding Fields at "Add comment" action
under review
Daniel Rodriguez
Have the ability to add task fields to a comment.
This will save time as many times there is no need to visit the Task on ClickUp to know some details.
This functionality is already available when the automation is "Send an email".
This is specially useful when Slack is set up to send you notifications when someone tags you in a comment.
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under review
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Add variables to comments to create customized comments automatically
Larin Littwin
With comments, variables like the ones used for automating the subtask name would be great for creating a templated comment, instead of a generic comment that looks the same as 10 others created using the same automation. When perusing the Home/Notification areas, this would make comments, especially assigned comments more meaningful and actionable.
A variable for @mentioning a person would also be useful so we don't have to set up the same automation for every possible scenario, it could be predetermined by the task info/custom fields.
Finally, applying Item Templates won't work in this case for the same reason setting up a generic comment doesn't work. They all look the same after a while and when you have 10 of those, you end up having to do some sorting.
Great suggestion, this is a big miss!