Add "Limited Guest" role
Jeremy Stoller
I have a bunch of mostly internal people that I want to give user accounts, just so they have to authenticate before submitting a request form. That way my online forms are secure, and I know who's sending me tasks.
Individually, these users would only submit tasks very rarely (perhaps less than 1/year for most), and they'd get no meaningful benefit from having these accounts—it's just a tool to help me use ClickUp better—so there's no way I can justify spending hundreds of dollars per person on Limited Member accounts, and realistically they don't even need all the features a Guest account gets.
A Limited Guest user would be able to do one or more of the following (in order of importance)...
(1) Create new tasks by submitting online forms whose access is limited to Limited Guest users.
(2) View the tasks they've created (without access to edit any fields)
(3) Post comments on the tasks they've created
(4) View a list or dashboard that shows all the tasks they've created (without access to edit any fields)
The priority should be to include the largest number of Limited Guest users in your subscription plans, and the ability to give Limited Guest accounts to internal staff without incurring extra costs. If doing that means sacrificing features 2-4, so be it.
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