Add descriptions/extra text to reminders
Joanna Sun
Not sure if this conflicts with your concept of a reminder. But currently reminders only allow a single line - I have often had to convert a reminder into a full task just to include a quick description.
I tend to write reminders like this:
ACTION on SUBJECT, followed by optional context/notes
Bring laptop back
IT needs to run update
Reminders have been very useful because I can quickly capture without thinking of where it would be located (as I often need to with a task).
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Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Add Note to Task Reminders

Rob Hewitt
The current task reminders feature simply bubbles up the task into my reminders at some designated date/time. This is helpful, but without a note about what the reminder was for specifically, it's usefulness is quite limited.
In my use case, at least, I want to remind myself to do something specific related to a task. Like in the case of my CRM space, I want to create specific reminders to "Follow up by email" or "Send invoice".

Rob Hewitt
See original thread here:

Rob Hewitt
Brendan W I see you merged my post, but I don't think these are the same thing. Mine is related to reminders generated from tasks. There isn't a field for a comment or note at all there. Regular reminders (which this separate post is about) already have that capability. I don't care to have an extended note space honestly—I just need the single-line version that exists elsewhere.

Brendan W
Rob Hewitt: I updated the feature request, its going to be the same ask.
When creating a Reminder, allow me to add additional text in a description field. Doesn't matter if its against a task or a standalone Reminder!

Rob Hewitt
Brendan, I'm still confused though. The regular reminder allows you to type text. Task-based reminders don't. Is the task itself taking up that "space"? If so, that seems odd since it's a linked item and not inputted text.

Brendan W
Rob Hewitt: Today, its not a linked item. The task URL (which is unfurled to display the task name) is in the title field of the Reminder.
Eventually it would be linked, but we'll allow extra text to be added in both cases.

Mohammad Qodrati
A Reminder should definitely have descriptions. This entity is different from tasks as they can be done any time in a period, but a reminder is something more bounded to a point of time. There's nothing different between these two entities in terms of descriptions, needless to say!
Adam Taylor
Need to be able to change various things in a reminder before it disappears from the Reminders list. Needs a description too.

Jake Spirek
The fact that we can add attachments but not a description doesn't make sense to me. I like to keep the initial reminder short, but want to occasionally add a few extra details. So I usually have to convert to a task.
Then I just end up using my other task app Things 3. I want to be done with that app and fully in Clickup, but there needs to be a way for QUICK entry and the option to add just a little more info without having a super long reminder title.