Add Columns/Filters in Everything or Space level without adding custom field to the Workspace/Space level

Ivan Villa
Custom fields can be set on:
Workspace level
Space level
Folder level
List level
When setting custom fields on WORKSPACE level, every task in every space will have this field. This could create noise for the spaces that do not need those fields, or need specific fields. So the custom fields are per space differently and some will overlap. So the Space level in great for that.
In the EVERYTHING view you can filter on a custom field to get insight on all tasks with that field. However, this is only possible with custom fields that are set on WORKSPACE level, so ALL spaces. If you select a SPACE level custom field it will convert it to a WORKSPACE level field and add it to all other spaces (tasks) as well. This is really bad. You now can't create everything views on that data you want and if you convert it to WORKSPACE you can not convert it back to SPACE as when deleting it in a space, it will delete it everywhere.
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Paul Zürcher
How can this still not be fixed? For enterprise customers this is such a pain! Ivan Villa Any news here?
Mark Neroni
I just experienced it at the space level. I had a custom field that I used in a subset of lists within the space. When I created a view at the space level that only included the lists that had the custom field AND added the custom field as a column in the view, the field then showed in every task on every list within the space. I unpinned it, so it is "hidden" at the bottom, but it is a horrible user experience.
Alex Nascimento
I think it is a very unnecessary limitation, as it considerably affects the organization of the task view, and the Everything area loses part of its main role.

Ryan Krueckeberg
Have you seen a workspace where all custom fields are added to the space level? You end up with tasks having a plethora of custom fields that dont even apply to those tasks. If we have to place custom fields at the space level in order to build dashboards at the space level that filter on those fields then we'd rather not use the dashboards and find another reporting solution vs creating clutter on everything in the space. But for some reason you can use custom field filters on charts but not lists.
Mark Neroni
Ryan Krueckeberg I agree 100%. That is basically the use case I just experienced. And, it I am afraid to remove the field from the space level as it may mess up my existing data.

Natalie Williams
Caroline Ginty Any chance this is on the horizon? Being able to view CFs at the space and workspace level WITHOUT adding the CF to any list that doesn't have it would improve so many workflows.
Another thread on this topic here:
and also here
and another new thread here
Although this isn't the exact same issue, it's relevant and there are comments with the same issue

Caroline Ginty
Merged in a post:
Add filter on custom fields at the Space or Everything level without adding the custom field to that level

Jake Spirek
I have a custom field that I don't want to show on ALL tasks, but want a view at the Space or Everything level that shows me any tasks that have that custom field.
To be clear, I have just a few lists that need to use this field, so I
want to add that custom field to the Space level because now it shows on ALL my tasks and it's a horrible experience to have too many unrelated custom fields show on every task.If there are any tasks with that custom field filled out, I want to be able to filter on that field at the space level.

Caroline Ginty
Merged in a post:
Custom fields on Everything should not be created on all the tasks
Sophie Guerin
Currently if we add custom fields on the views in Everything, all the tasks of the workspace will have those custom fields.
What would be nice is that Everything can get custom fields of all the lists/spaces BUT not the contrary. Example from a view in Everything, we see a task (Task A), from Space X, list L. If on list L we have custom field F1, then we can see F1 in the everything view BUT if we create a custom field F2 in the everything view, it does not get created in Space X. Maybe only on List L or Task A or not even.

Caroline Ginty
Merged in a post:
Add Custom Fields to Everything View
Jesse Wootton
If the filter contains tasks that all have the same custom fields, allow this data to be added to the view as a column
Alberto Alonso
This feature will be incredibly useful for people managing multiple projects. Right now I'm forced to use tags instead of custom fields to be able to filter at Space level all the tasks from different projects.

Caroline Ginty
Merged in a post:
Custom field column in views without adding the field to the location where the view is
Salah Boukadoum
You should be able to add a custom field column to a container (folder, space, Everything) without adding the field to everything in the container. In the UI you can show an empty spot or an icon indicating that the field is not in that task. This would enable management views where an element is set in the view across many tasks, even though the view displays some tasks that don't have that element. Without this, you can't efficiently manage tasks of different types in a view.
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