Camiel de Roos
Any updates on this ticket?
Jesse Jones
100% agree on all of this. I end every day by setting tomorrow's priorities, but I have do to do this outside of ClickUp and then change ClickUp first thing every morning. For all that ClickUp does so beautifully, this is a real annoyance.
Kate McCready
Yep. Being able to see 'this week' is very important in terms of how I work.
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Home - more than just "next"
Could we get some other options other than "next" for future tasks?
Namely "tomorrow" and "this week".
That would be more useful, as "next" isnt as clear. Its not as useful as the suggested for seeing what is coming up.
Tanner Braden
I'd actually take this a step further:
Instead of: Today, Overdue, Next
I wish it was: Overdue, Today, Tomorrow, Next Seven Days, Future
Sophia K
Tanner Braden: Yes, this would help so much! For someone with a 'now' or 'not now' attitude it's important to be able to see things categorised this way so tasks don't creep up on me.
Tanner Braden
Sophia K: Exactly! Sounds like you’d like my other feature request as well:
Jen Levitz
I'd REALLY appreciate "TOMORROW" shifted to a section by itself. With my ADHD, seeing all the things in the "NEXT" section can send me down a rabbit hole most days.
So I'd love to be able to "hide" the big list most days and just expand it when I'm doing my weekly planning.
Julian Pustkuchen
Yes please, seeing tomorrows would be very helpful. And please allow to drop tasks into the Agenda right and show the next 5 workdays there :)
Brandon Gresham
Can I pay you money to grant me a sufficient number of up-votes for this request that it will float to your #1 priority? ;P
Seriously though, I cannot agree more. This feature would help me so much, especially since the "Sort this group by Due Date"-option breaks in the sense that tasks with the same Due Date would naturally be expected to then sort from High-to-Low Priority but are instead sorted in reverse-Priority.
Having a "Tomorrow"-tab would basically fix that well-enough b/c it would at least pull tomorrow's tasks out of the "noise" of all of the others.
To add to this, I feel like what "Next" displays should be totally configurable via a filter and should not simply display ALL tasks. I can see all tasks by clicking on "Show Everything" -- "Next" would be more useful if I could define it via a filter to, say, "show everything Due or Starting within the next 7 days" or "show all unscheduled tasks" or "show all unscheduled tasks AND all High-priority tasks" or... well, you get the point :)
Sophia K
Brandon Gresham: Agree with everything you say here!
Michelle Vanwagenen
I fully agree with this suggestion. Way more helpful to break down and plan for more immediate tasks. Bhanu's suggestion would be a great option to accomplish this need.
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Custom view for tomorrow
Martin Currie
The new custom sort view of "Today" in Home is wonderful, but to avoid sleepless nights, some of us want to plan tomorrow's work the night before. At present the only way to see tomorrows tasks is within "Next" but turning "Next" to custom gives all future tasks in a list that can be so large it is impossible to sort manually. A "Tomorrow" section would fix this, and allow us to sleep soundly knowing that we have a manageable day ahead.
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