Ability to see different custom fields of each lists in Space View

Hendra Christian
Since every lists can be very different from one another and they can have different metrics/custom fields, it would be great if on Space View (or Everything View), I have the ability to also see these instead of having dive down to each list to see it.
For example if list A have some text custom fields with labels and due dates, date updated, etc, while other list have others, all these should be viewable in Space/Everything level. Cause for example Due Date might not be relevant in some lists while might be essential in others.
While you're at it, please add a feature to make the custom fields more compact so we can fit more fields on the right hand side (or maybe more compact layout size). At the moment, setting the Layout size to Compact is not compact enough. So many wasted horizontal space for custom fields (padding a bit large), they can be more condensed.
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Natalie Williams
Andreea Gemanar
Yes, this one is essential, I am struggling when need to see where I am up to with my projects but I have to open each list of a space to check...
Thank you!

Andres Andresson
Yes, please please add this. I have multiple lists with different custom fields and I want to see them all when I click the folder/space. Does not make any sense in only seeing the same Custom fields in them all.
Want to see my custom fields for all lists in a single view.
Victor Wynn
This feature would be extremely useful.