Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Add to inbox a reminder view which will show only the reminders
Amir Gur
This will be a lot of help when searching for them in a packed inbox
Lisa Hawkes
I would love to be able to filter my reminders. Perhaps add "Reminders" as a fifth tab option under "My Work" on the home page.
Amy Demone
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Need a view of Reminders only
Mark Montonara
We can filter out Reminders on the 'Home' and 'Inbox' view. But, what would be great is to do the reverse - filter for only Reminders... then the Reminder view becomes a defacto 'inbox' for collecting and processing.
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Filtering reminders
Luis Diego Salas
Since reminders are only found in the inbox (why?) please allow us to see all reminders only, to use them as a GTD brain dump and reorganize them after the fact.