We have had issues where some of our users have created mass amounts of duplicates at some points and to find/merge them is extremely time consuming and tedious, with very little certainty that you found them all.
It's easy to spot one, you can run a search for the name, or filter for a specific field and see the duplicate versions of one task, however when you have to do this for hundreds or thousands, it's not an easy or quick experience.
A filter upgrade may be a way to change this. For example, we have a ID custom field that is used for all tasks that are specific task type. It's a numerical value. If there was a filter option to select that custom field, and select an operator like "is duplicate" which would look for more than one value of that field to be present, then we could easily see a list of the tasks that are duplicate versions, and go through to merge them.
One step further, would be a merge options for duplicates, to save the manual effort of going selecting each pairing to merge.