Ability to add lists within folders and whiteboards to a space "Lists" Overviews' card
I'd love to have the possibility to add whiteboards in the overview card that lists the space's lists. Same for lists that are in a folder in this same space.
Or even better just choose which lists or folder you want to be displayed on that card!
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For old whiteboards that were views of a list, it is possible.
But not for new Whiteboards that aren't a list. I didn't find a card to display it in overview and thus I added it as a bookmark. Yet, i find it disrupting.
I saw it is possible to move a whiteboard to a list (as a view I guess), but I don't want to do that (even if it is realted to a list) because I really appreciate to have the whiteboard as a (key) element in my space on the sidebar.
So another solution would be to be able to add a whiteboard view to the spaces sidebar.