Zapier to send messages to free-standing Chat channels
Jackson James
Please improve the Zapier integration so that we can trigger messages to our Chat channels that are not connected to specific Spaces/Folders/Lists. We really need this.
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Tadej Jevševar
This feature is now available in latest ClickUp Zapier release (2.1.37).
Hey folks! I've been able to post to locationsless Chats by copying the ID and inserting it as a custom value. Works as expected, you just don't see the Chat's name in the dropdown!
Tadej Jevševar
Jackson James
Tadej Jevševar
Any estimated delivers time for this one?
This is crucial for a lot of teams (ours included)
Tadej Jevševar
Jackson James This is planned for our next Zapier build that is planned to be released in 3 weeks.
Brendan W
Jackson James: Hey, there! The team is working on it, we'll know more as we get closer!
Jackson James
Tadej Hi, any update on this? It’s been more than 3 weeks…
Tadej Jevševar
Jackson James Today, we are releasing a new ClickUp Zapier build where you can select "locationless" chats (channels). The release is going out gradually (today only to 10% of users), and it should be available for 100% of users in the next 3 days.